Tuesday, April 10, 2007


If you haven't heard yet, Will Ferrell has a movie coming out called 'Semi-pro'. Its about a semi-professional basketball team out of Flint set in the 1970's. They've finished filming most of the movie in Cali. and Denver, but are on their way to Michigan to film some outside scenes.

Well they are looking for 500 extras for the remaining parts of the movie, so Sunday I sent in a head shot. Hopefully I hear back from them.

I also included a picture of what I could look like. (Halloween '05) The mustache probably took me a month to grow out.

They start filming at the end of April - early May. I've never had to grow facial hair this quickly. I'm expending a lot of energy and it is quite exhausting, but I think I could have bigger side burns and a mustache in time. Here's my progress so far. 4 days growth.

"I like your beard at that length, it makes you look rugged and kinda dangerous." Thanks mom.


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